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はじめに (English version is also available.) cdnjsの運営元であるCloudflareは、HackerOne上で脆弱性開示制度(Vulnerability Disclosure Program)を設けており、脆弱性の診断行為を許可しています。 本記

Remote code execution in cdnjs of Cloudflare

Preface (日本語版も公開されています。) Cloudflare, which runs cdnjs, is running a “Vulnerability Disclosure Program” on HackerOne, which allows hackers to perform vulnerability assessments. This article describes vulnerabilities reported through this program and published with the permission of the Cloudflare security team. So this article is not intended to recommend you to perform an unauthorized vulnerability assessment. If you found any vulnerabilities in Cloudflare’s product, please report it to Cloudflare’s vulnerability disclosure program. TL;DR There was a vulnerability in the cdnjs library update server that could execute arbitrary